Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera

I am glad I was in the Stonewall riot. I remember when someone threw a Molotov cocktail, I thought, My God, the revolution is here. The revolution is finally here! -Sylvia Rivera

No one is free until we’re all free. We can celebrate our rights all we want, but we have to fight to ensure that those of us who are more marginalized can enjoy the same rights as us. -Marsha P. Johnson

Marsha P. Johnson & Sylvia Rivera march in New York City Gay Pride in 1973

 Marsha P. Johnson (L) & Sylvia Rivera (R)  • New York City • 1973 • Photograph Courtesy of Netflix


Is it you? It could be any one of you LGBTQIA+ persons who goes about your day without any sense, knowledge or respect as to why you're not legally forced to live your life hiding in the closet. It is so lovely isn't it to be able to come and go as you please at all hours of the day or night. To be able to wear whatever you want, fucking amazing! Because yes, there was a time when you would be beaten and arrested for cross dressing. If that wasn't humiliation and pain enough a local paper would feature you the next morning with a photo and list your place of employment and name and why you were arrested and with whom. That of course are just a few of those surface privilege's that so many queers just take for granted. 

Today, if you're LGBTQIA+ unless you live in Ghana, Iran or the like you generally have no need to care or concern yourself about whether or not you will make it back alive after you leave your home. You don't really worry about what your wearing and how it could endanger your life. You don't think that this might be the day that you wake up with your wrists and ankles strapped to the rails of a bed in a mental institute with no way of contacting a loved one for help. Even worse, you are not opening your eyes to bright lights at the ER almost bludgeoned to death. The absolute greatest fear or threat is of course, your life taken at the hands of hate. Rest assured that one of the reasons why has everything to do with these two beautiful, courageous women above. Every time you hold a hand, give an endearing kiss or just stroll down the street safely and freely you can thank countless courageous people who took blows, some fatal so you can live your true life freely and for the most part safely. Don't ever take it for granted that you stand on the shoulders of giants and two of those giants were, are and always will be, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.

This website is being created to ensure that Marsha & Sylvia have a forever home, year round. Their voices should have a place where they can be heard on a worldwide platform. For those of you who are interested in their stories, their truth, their words, their unique style, their crazy beautiful hearts, souls and minds, their magnificent, brilliant, immeasurable and profound contributions to the LGBTQIA+ civil rights movement and beyond. I will do everything that I can to make sure that this site will be here for them and for you. Oh and not only during our LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. Their flame deserves to be seen in all its glory and decadence always and forever. Not just when its politically correct, convenient, profitable or even just pretty to remember them.

Website Contact ©Petra Maricela Violetarojo de Cordero